Daniel Terrero

Confessions of a Doubt-Filled Physics Student: Navigating Particles, Code, and the Big Questions

I’m Daniel, a third-year physics student at Duquesne University, trying to figure out the universe. Buckle up for a ride through the rollercoaster of doubts that’s been my college journey so far.

So, there I was, fresh outta high school, all pumped to dive into particle physics. The dream? Unravel the secrets of the cosmos. But as I geeked out over quantum stuff, doubt sneaked in — am I on the right track, or just chasing after shiny particles?

Now, here’s the kicker: I love solving problems, and I’ve been throwing my programming skills into making websites, social media platforms, and software since day one. But doubt crashed — should I be gunning for cash by solving small problems, or should I throw caution to the wind and tackle the big, messy issues head-on?

In January 2024, my roommate and I thought, why not put our coding skills to the test? We’re cooking up a SAAS for a construction company. Exciting, right? But doubt’s there, tapping on my shoulder — will they even want it, the president of the zone said they do but at any point things can change.

Doubts are my trusty companions. Is it cool to chase the money first and then tackle the big, hairy problems? Or should I drop everything and go straight for the grand challenges.

Thank you for reading this post, my first post here, where I talk and who I am and my doubts. This is a part of my brain as now.