Daniel Terrero

Problems Submitting an App made with Expo to the App Store

Continuing the lore of the labor app management I am making. Since I have a Windows, I was using Expo Go to develop everything regarding the app except the database which I build using Django. So after finishing the website and app, I was ready to submit to the App Store so I could test it on TestFlight.

I did everything I was supposed to, ending with downloading the app from TestFlight. It crashes right when I touch the icon. I was so confused. It had never crashed before until I had it on TestFlight. Therefore I start searching on Google "Expo Go app crashing on ios" and I search for a while until I found a post that looks like this:

" When using @react-navigation/native you will need multiple packages. I missed this when reading the documentation. You will want to ensure you install:

npx expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-native-community/masked-view react-native-gesture-handler react-native-safe-area-context react-native-reanimated "

I decided to download the packages, upload to TestFlight the updated version, and it worked.

Tomorrow I have a meeting to show the app to the first company we talked to. We will see if they are ready to use it.